The formation of yogas in a horoscope depends on many factors; in this post, we will see the conditions to be fulfilled for the formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga and Grahan Yoga in a horoscope. The post gives a detailed insight into the formation of these Yogas.
Formation of Grahan Yoga
Grahan Yoga is formed if the Moon or Sun is placed with Rahu or Ketu in a horoscope. Through this Yoga, Rahu and Ketu can cause damage to the general and specific significance of the Moon and Sun in the horoscope. Since there are twelve houses in the horoscope, the probability of the Sun being placed with Rahu or Ketu in a particular house is 2 in 12. Combining the results, Grahan Yoga is formed in almost every third horoscope.
Conditions of the Formation of Grahan Yoga
Since benefic planets form good yogas and malefic planets form bad yogas, Rahu or Ketu should be functional malefic in a horoscope to afflict Sun or Moon and form Grahan Yoga. This means Rahu affliction Moon or Sun should be malefic. The same holds true for Ketu.
There are four possible combinations of Rahu and Sun in the same house of horoscope. These include benefic Sun with benefic Rahu, malefic Sun with benefic Rahu, benefic Sun with malefic Rahu, and malefic Sun with malefic Rahu.
Similar combinations are formed between the Sun and Ketu, the Moon and Rahu, and the Moon with Ketu. In each of these situations, only two out of four combinations may form Grahan Yoga since Rahu or Ketu is malefic only in two of the combinations, in order to form Grahan Yoga.
Coming to the next factor, the aspect of malefic Rahu or Ketu on the Sun or Moon may not form Grahan Yoga since the aspect from malefic planets may damage the significance of the Sun and Moon. However, such damage may not be potent enough to cause a significant impact. Hence, only the conjunction of malefic Ketu or Rahu with the Moon or Sun is able to form Grahan Yoga in a horoscope, thus giving us a more relevant definition of Grahan Yoga.
Formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga
As per the definition, Gaj Kesari Yoga is formed in a horoscope when Jupiter is in Kendra from the Moon, i.e. in house number 1,4,7 or 10. Since there are 12 houses in a horoscope, the presence of Jupiter in 4 out of 12 houses can lead to the formation of this yoga. This means every third person should have Gaj Kesari Yoga in their horoscope. But this is hard to justify practically since the good results associated with this oga are rare.
Conditions of the formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga
The primary condition for the formation of this yoga is that all planets involved should be benefic in the horoscope. This means that both Moon and Jupiter should be beneficial for the formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga. Moon and Jupiter can make four combinations, out of which only the combination of benefic Jupiter with benefic Moon can result in the formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga.
Final Take
So these are the conditions to be met for the formation of Gaj Kesari Yoga and Grahan Yoga in a horoscope. You may visit an experienced and knowledgeable astrologer to determine the formation of these yogas in your horoscope and understand their effects.
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